
We work with like-minded partners to provide the best possible service and outcomes for residents and communities.

Some of the organisations that we have close links with include:

iN business for neighbourhoods

We are a member of the National Housing Federation’s iN business for neighbourhoods scheme, which means that we put the needs of local neighbourhoods at the heart of everything we do.

Investors in People

We have retained our Silver Investors in People status, in recognition of our efforts to make sure that our staff have the knowledge, skills and motivation they need to work efficiently.

Connected Partnership

We are the lead member of the Connected Partnership,  working alongside Shepherds Bush Housing Group and Origin Housing to develop homes across central and west London.

PlaceShapers Group

We are a founder member of PlaceShapers, a network of housing associations that share a commitment to effective local working and resident involvement.

Greater London Council and Homes and Communities Agency

We work closely with the Greater London Council and the Homes and Communities Agency to meet local housing priorities and needs. Some of our development projects are part-funded by these authorities.

We have a transparent expenditure policy on these projects and regularly publish details of expenditure above £500 here. 

The Friends Of Kensington Day Centre

A separate charity, The Friends of KDC help to raise funds for one of Octavia's Day centres, The Kensington Day Centre, which provides day care and social opportunities and activities or older residents of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.