9 October 2018

Supporting World Mental Health Day 2018

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Octavia is supporting World Mental Health Day 2018.

Mental health problems can affect anyone and we all need to take care of our mental well-being. World Mental Health Day is a really positive way to raise awareness of mental health issues, encouraging people around the world to take better care of themselves whether they have a mental health condition or not.

At Octavia we are helping to combat loneliness and social isolation, issues which are known to adversely impact mental well-being. We are pro-actively involved in the communities where we work, providing services for older and younger people, including:

  • Coffee mornings
  • Befriending services
  • Digital media youth clubs
  • Day activities and care
  • Outreach services                                    

You can find out more information about our day activities are can here

You can find out more information about our befriending services and coffee mornings here

You can find out more information about our digital media youth clubs here

If you or anybody you may know are suffering with mental health issues than you can contact various organisations for support. Always remember you are not alone!


  • Qwell – online counselling for adults and carers

Web: https://www.qwellcounselling.com

  • Kooth – young person’s counselling app

Web: https://kooth.com/

  • Samaritans

Call: 116 123

Web: www.Samaritans.org 

  • Mind

Call: 0300 123 3393 Text: 86463

Web: www.mind.org.uk

  • Rethink

Call: 0300 5000 927

  • Youngminds

Parent line: 0808 802 5544

Young person text ‘YM’ to 85258

  • Combat stress for veterans & their families

Call: 0800 138 1619

Text: 07537 404719